In accordance with the provisions of the Agricultural Products Licensed Warehouses Act. No. 5300 and the e-Warehouse Receipts Regulation which is based on this Act, MKK is designated as the Electronic Registry Agency by the Ministry of Trade for keeping records or electronic warehouse receipts.
With the new regulation, electronic warehouse receipts will be created on behalf of producers or any institution that delivers products to a warehouse licensed by the Ministry of Trade. The records, which are considered valuable papers, and rights attached on those products, are held in the MKK system (Central Dematerialized System – MKS) as electronic book-entry records.
What are the advantages of e-ÜRÜN
Trade of agricultural products will become easier
Operations will be conducted in a safe, prompt and effective manner.
Owners of products will have the ability to control and receive notifications instantly.
Producers can manage their cash-flow needs by using commoditized products as collateral through this systematic process.
Conversion of your product into e-ÜRÜN
First, you must have an account in your name at an intermediary institution (brokerage house or bank.)
You must define your e-MKK Information Portal membership by clicking the "Membership Signup" option below, in order to view the warehouse receipts to be created through MKK.
When you deliver your product to a warehouse licensed by the Ministry of Trade, you must first inform the intermediary institution with which you have an account, and on the condition that the institution acknowledges, you must provide your institution and account information to the warehouse.
After the controls and analyses conducted by the warehouse, the electronic warehouse receipt which is identical to the delivered product will be transferred to your account.
By means of your e-MKK Information Portal membership, you will receive a message about product creation on your phone.
Moreover, you will receive a certificate from the warehouse proving the issuance of the electronic warehouse receipt.