MKK, as it is permitted by the legal framework, shares Central Dematerialized System information and data on the dematerialized capital market instruments with the regulators, clearing houses, central securities depositories, exchanges, professional organizations, data vendors, issuers, investors and public.
Data is shared periodically; hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. Data sharing can be performed through; corporate integration, FTP, smart card, MKS reporting tools, and e-mail.
Please kindly refer to below graph for the institutions that MKK shares Central dematerialized information with.

MKK maintains continuous data flow to “CMB-BIST Surveillance Project”, which is established to execute surveillance functionality of the capital markets.
MKK, as per the responsibilities assigned by the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye, urges its participants to enter below listed information into Central Dematerialized System:
- Actual Shares Outstanding Information
- Mutual Funds Management Fees
- Account Proxy Information
- List of Insiders
- Information on Qualified Investors