Account operations on the MKS comprise opening of member accounts for investors and / or for their partners defined in their own system with the same account numbers in the MKK system, and identifying the accounts with identity information of investors. These accounts are opened by members. After these steps, the investor registration number, which is separate and unique for each investor, is generated in the system. In this process, information controls are provided by integration with the systems of the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Real person address information is taken from the Address Based Population Registration System (ADNKS).
Omnibus Account
With the new article added to the Dematerialization Communique (Article No: 12/A) it is made possible for local custody institutions (thathold general custody license) and foreign Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) to open omnibus accounts for their clients (that are foreign institutions and/or foreign funds) to hold and trade Government Debt Securities in Turkish capital markets. Foreign CSDs are also obliged to have account operator service from one of the local custodians banks and hence assign an account operator to execute their operations.