Capital market instruments are issued by issuer companies electronically at MKK. The prerequisite for issuance is the approval of the prospectus or issue document prepared by the Capital Markets Board. Following the issuance, the transfer of registered capital market instruments to the beneficiary accounts is provided by the issuers by using MKS.
MKK member institutions that have issued shares can provide lists to shareholders or investors by applying to Merkezi Kayit Kurulusu in writing or electronically in order to fulfill their obligations to the Board and / or to fulfill their obligations arising from tax legislation related to dividend distribution.
Issuers are able to perform many transactions such as dividend distribution, redemption, coupon payment, capital increase, capital reduction, merger and division, dismissal, cash or security payments through applications developed by MKK. With the corporate actions announcements published\disclosed by issuer companies through the Public Disclosure Platform, a corporate action registration is created at MKS. Thus, the process is provided by electronic notification from a single channel. Investors are sent a notification regarding their corporate action records.