“The World Forum of Central Securities Depositories”, took place in Marakech/Morocco, on 08-12 April 2019. Mr. Gokce Iliris, Head of International Relations, Director at MKK attended the distinguished event representing MKK.
The organization brought together over 300 representatives from more than 90 countries.
Mr. Gokce Iliris, Head of International Relations, Director at MKK, shared information on Turkish capital markets, diversificiation of MKK’s business activities and product and services as well as marketing of MKK’s inhouse developed value added services in the panel session 5 titled “Expectations of CSD stakeholders. What have CSDs done to transform and meet expectations since WFC 2017? Have the expectations changed in the last two years and if yes how so?” held on the third day of the Forum.
The World Forum of Central Securities Depositories 2019