MKK has been approved as a member of The Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD) at the association meeting held at Almaty (Kazakhstan) on 10 September 2015. The Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD) unites the Central Securities Depositories of the CIS countries. The Association's mission is to develop and enhance depository operations, create a common depository "environment", and integrate the CSDs of the CIS countries into the global securities settlement system.
AECSD membership will not only strengthen Turkey’s long term relationship with all CIS countries but also provide opportunities for establishing new business relationships especially between the capital market institutions. As a result of this relationship, our capital markets and hence our economies will further integrate and benefit.
MKK will have the opportunity to contribute to the joint efforts of the member countries in their quest for developing CIS countries’ capital markets and establish new collaborations and share best practices with an aim to create new investment opportunities for the investors in the Euro-Asia region.