In 2017, the Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI) opened a tender for the implementation of electronic general meetings, e-voting and e-proxy processess to Indonesian capital markets. Being chosen as the best system provider, MKK completed the implementation of the electronic general meeting system customized for KSEI within the pre-determined deadlines before 2018 year-end. Completing the legal infrastructure in Indonesia and working on further system developments between 2019 and 2020, the system officially went live on 14 May 2020, with the organization of 5 concurrent electronic meetings on the same day.
With this entry to Asian markets, MKK not only increased awareness for its products and services but also reinforced its place among the few central securities depositories in the world that produce their own national technology and export it to international markets.
We are very happy and proud to contribute to our economy with our efforts in exporting domestic and national technology to international markets.
Please refer to the file below for the joint press release published by MKK and KSEI: